Thursday, August 7, 2008

The #1 Weight-Loss Tip

We might have heard this before, but I'm going to blog about this because when it comes to nutrition, most people don't get it right. We all have our weaknesses, ups and downs, and challenges when it comes to eating healthy. If weight loss is your goal, then stop the cycle of losing the weight and gaining it back by even doing this one simple trick...

WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU EAT!!!! Various studies and research done shows that people that write down everything they eat (aka a food journal) have more success getting the weight off and KEEPING IT OFF then those that don't. Why? Because one, it makes us more aware of what we're putting in our mouth; two, it helps us uncover what our challenges are and; three, it can also help us uncover any emotional eating habits we may have (by writing down our feelings/stresses that day). Usually when people can do this one simple thing every day, they will slowly start to change their eating habits which will hopefully develop into lifelong habits.

In fact, in a recent article published in Time Magazine (Aug 4,2008), it explains why keeping a food diary is crucial for short and long-term success. In a new study conducted, participants who kept a food journal six or seven days a week lost an average of 18 lbs, compared with an average of 9 lbs lost for non-diary keepers (all participants had were encouraged with the same weight-loss strategies such as calorie restriction, weekly group sessions, and moderately intensive exercise). To quote Victor Stevens of Kaiser Permanente for Health Research, "hands down, the most successful weight-loss method was keeping a record of what you eat."

So, in conclusion, go buy a small three-ring notebook and stash it somewhere you will also see all day (aka the kitchen counter, your purse, etc) and start keeping a food journal. It's cheap, easy (cmon, 5 min a day isn't going to kill you!), and it will produce results!

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