Thursday, September 11, 2008

10 Small Tricks for Big Weight Loss

1. Drink more milk. Consuming 1,800 milligrams of calcium a day could block the absorption of about 80 calories.

2. Get watered down. Drink 100 oz of water a day. You will obviously be well hydrated (and less bloated), but you will also eat less.

3. Go smaller. Use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate. Studies shown that putting your portions on smaller dishes means you will end up eating less at a meal.

4. Think about eating. Eat without doing anything else-no TV, no working, no reading. It's important to chew slowly too, think about each bite, what it tastes like, etc. You will end up eating less.

5. Don't drink your calories. Usually those are "empty calories", however, if you must have the occassional cup of juice, dilute it water or drink V8 (Diet Splash is best) to get your vitamins/minerals.

6. Stop mindless snacking. Chew a strong flavored gum like cinnamon while you're cooking. Sneaking a taste of the food will be less appealing.

7. Tighten your belt a notch. It may sound silly, but by doing so you are reminding yourself that you want to be a size smaller when you feel a craving or that temptation to gorge coming on.

8. Put the fork down. When you're eating a meal, put the fork down after every bite and take a drink of water. You will eat slower, and EAT LESS.

9. Prepare ahead. One day a week, prepare a bunch of snacks ready to go and store them somewhere. For example, cut up veggies and put them in zip loc baggies, or even cook some chicken and cut it up to add to a salad. Planning will reduce impromptu decisions of what you're hungry and you're on the go (aka McDonalds runs with the kids).

10. Don't eat after 7:30pm. Studies have show that you are most likely to overeat in the evening hours. If you have to though, stash some popsicles, or fugdge bars, to get your sugar fix without overdoing it on the calories.


Sarah said...

Great advice...I am totally using some of these tips.

jkhuber said...

Hi Christina,
Thanks for doing this blog. I love to read it and get really great tips. I've passed it along to friends and family who have had good things to say about it, too.