Tuesday, October 21, 2008

5 great CORE moves

Again, sorry for the time span between posts, it's been super busy lately plus, I've been out of town too! I wish I could promise I will get better at posting more frequently, but I'm going to stop promising things I can't deliver (at least right now)!

For this post, I thought I would enlighten many of you out there that don't know the right strength training moves for your core. All of these moves require little to no eqiupment and work your ENTIRE midsection efficiently! Some of my faves!

1. Plank (with or without ball): For this exercise you want to be on your forearms either on the ground (or on the ball) and feet/toes on ground. With only those two things supporting your body weight, hold your body in a straight (plank) line up off the ground (incline if using ball) and concentrate on squeezing your abdominals (or belly button) in towards your spine as you hold this position 30-60 sec. Repeat 2-3 times. If using ball (which can be harder because it's more unstable), make sure you're not "resting" your upper body against your forearms.

2. Side rotations: Sitting on a mat or soft surface, lean back slightly and bring feet off ground, knees bent. Find a weight of some source (medicine ball or dumbbell preferably) and while holding position, rotate side to side (hip to hip) for 30-50 rotations. Make sure ONLY torso rotates, not legs.

3. Mountain climbers: In push-up position with hands about shoulder width apart, step feet in a little, switching quickly. Remember you don't want your butt/hips coming up-keep level, with only your lower legs moving. Do 30-50 reps/each side.

4. Ball side bends: Using a stability ball, lay on your side with ball under one side/hip. You will need to anchor your feet against a wall of some sort also, and make sure it's a wide staggered stance. With hands behind head, bend all the way over the ball (outside elbow tapping ball) and then come up all the way so that your torso on that side stretches and then bends. Do 20 or so and repeat on opposite side.

5. Reverse crunch on ball: In push-up position with feet/lower legs on top of stablity ball, roll ball in towards your hands while raising butt/hips up. Concentrate on using abdominals and not legs to do this exercise. Repeat about 25 reps.


Sarah said...

Thanks for posting these! I am totally working these into my routine. I really appreciate your posts...the tips and exercises are so easy for us normal people to do. (As long as we actually do them!)

BigKev said...

Cool Christina!! I am going to do these bad boys and report back on how sore my fat belly gets! :-D