Sunday, November 16, 2008

Boot Camp 101

Here's one of my sample "boot camp" workouts that combines multiple muscle groups and keeps your heart rate up at the same time to scorch fat and calories! If you have questions, email or comment me. (Sorry for the lame pictures!)

1. Lunge with dumbbell lateral/front raise combo: While holding 5-10 lb. dummbells, do walking lunges while raising arms out to side shoulder heighth. Do 20 alterating legs and then turn around and repeat only raising arms to front, shoulder heighth. Do another 20 reps.

2. Alternating lunge jumps: While in place in lunge position, jump off ground and switch feet landing back down into lunge. Do for 1-2 min.

3. Plie squat with dumbbell bicep curl: Standing feet wider than shoulder width apart with toes pointed out, squat down to 90 degrees while tilting pelvis/butt back (like sitting in chair). Make sure not to "round" back and to keep heels planted on ground to avoid knee pain. Hold 5-12 lb. dumbbells in between legs and do bicep curl as you come up.

4. Plie jump hops: Same position as above (only without weights), jump in place for 1-2 min.

5. Medicine ball torso rotations: Sitting on ground, lean back with feet off ground (preferably) and while holding 6-10 lb. medicine ball, rotate torso/ball from hip to hip for 1-2 min.

6. Push-up row combo: In a push-up position with 5-10 dumbbells in hands on ground, do a push-up and as you come up, bring one dumbbell up into row while squeezing shoulder blade back. Then do another push-up and switch sides, alternating for 20-30 reps.

7. One legged squat: Standing on one leg, squat down while pointing opposite hand towards toe. Do 15-20 reps each side.

8. Speed skaters: Stand on one leg and then hop laterally (to the side) onto the other leg, while squatting slightly (think Apollo Anton Ohno). Move quickly side to side for 1-2 min.

9. Mountain climbers: In push-up position, step feet in alternating quickly while holding upper body stationary.

10. Step-up with medicine ball/or dumbbell overhead press: With chair or bench and holding 6-10 lb. dumbbells/ball, step-up with one leg while pressing ball overhead at same time. Don't touch other leg to bench, bring knee up and do 20-25 reps each side.

11. Alternating fast step-ups: Step-up and change legs to come down and repeat quickly. Do 1-2 min.

12. Bench dips: While facing away from bench with hands on bench (facing out), lower body and bend elbows to 90 degrees. Do 20-25 reps, holding every 5th rep for 5sec.

13. Wall sits: Sit back against wall with knees at 90 degrees. Hold for 30 sec, then rest for 10, hold for 45 sec, rest for 10, hold for 60 sec, rest for 20.

14. Bench jumps: Standing in front of bench, squat down and jump up on top of bench using legs and momentum. Do 1-2 min.

15. Ball crunches & side crunches: Laying on ball on back, do crunches while squeezing belly button in and holding at top for 3 sec/rep. Do 25-50 reps. Then, lay on side on ball with feet against wall (staggered) and do 15-20 side crunches and repeat on other side.

16. Jump rope: Jump rope 30 sec, double time 30 sec, one leg 30 sec, other leg 30 sec.


1 comment:

Beth said...

Wow! These kill! I really need to check out your boot camp when you start up again. I think I need to try this work out--or as much of it as I can get done!