Thursday, March 12, 2009

The best ways to cut 100, 250, and 500+ calories (WITHOUT DIETING!)


1. Add the olive oil last. Instead of sauteing vegetables and letting them soak up the majority of the fat that's added to the pan, try steaming your veggies instead, then tossing them with a few teaspoons of extra-virgin olive oil, a squeeze of lemon, and a pinch of red pepper flakes and sea salt. Calories saved per cup: 150

2. Ask for a "dry" bun. Chefs and cooks often swipe a knifeful of butter or mayo on a sandwich or burger before they hand it over to you. Calories saved: 120

3. Be picky about pie. Eat the filling but skip the bottom layer of crust. Trust me, you won't really notice. Calories saved: 150

4. Lighten your juice. Fill a water bottle with 6 ounces of juice and equal amount of water. Calories saved: 100

5. Make skinny mashed potatoes. Mix in a half of cup of low-sodium chicken broth for every 3 lbs of potatoes instead of half a cup of butter or heavy cream. If you still crave that rich flavor, top a small scoop of mashed potatoes with a pat of butter for just 36 extra calories. Calories saved per cup: 150

6. Use half the beef in burgers. Mix 1 1/2 cups of finely chopped mushrooms with half a pound of lean ground beef and serve it in place of an all beef patty. Calories saved: 100

7. Switch your soup. Varieties of soup that are a cream or milk based contain 25 to 50% more calories than those made with a tomato base or clear broth, such as minetrone or vegetable soup. Calories saves per 12 oz: 100 to 200


1. Avoid salads with "crispy" in their name. Some options pack more than 500 calories and 25 grams of fat when tossed with regular dressing. Order your greens with grilled chicken, shrimp, or salmon and lowfat dressing. Calories saved: 250

2. Downsize yoru baked goods. You can automatically halve the calories in fresh-baked muffins by using a pan with a dozen slots rather than one with just six. And if you swap half a cup of applesauce for the half cup of butter or oil called for in your recipe, you can save an additional 75 calories per muffin. Calories saved: 310 to 385.

3. Get sandwich-savvy. A 6-inch tuna hero with lowfat chips may seem like a light meal, but it contains 700 calories and more than 30 grams of fat. At "healthy" restaurants, people tend to order extras and then underestimate how much they're eating by about 35%. Opt for a small turkey sub without mayo or oil and skip the soda, chips, and cookies. Calories saved: 420

4. Top your tater the light way. Loading a large potato with the works can turn your meal into a fat and calorie mine-field. Pick a small spud (red potatoes are best) and fill it with a quarter cup each of salsa and lowfat Greek yogurt (or 1 Tbs of reduced-fat sour cream). Calories saved: 412

5. Treat yourself like a kid. When you're ordering ice cream, don't assume you have to choose from the three cup sizes displayed at the register. Rather than ordering the medium, request a child-size verstion-and skip the hot fudge. Calories saved: 400

6. Bulk up your pasta-with veggies. If you're making pasta at home, a 2-cup serving of noodles with a large ladle of meat, vodka, or Alfredo sauce can set you back 600 calories or more. To fill your plate-without breaking the calorie bank-mix a cup of pasta with a cup of steamed veggies and top the dish with half a cup of your favorite marinara sauce. Calories saved: 250

7. Serve dessert in a shot glass. Can't resist taking a slice of key lime pie or cheesecake at a buffet? Allow yourself to savor the amount that fits in a shot glass and you'll save 80% of the calories you'd get in a full-size portion. Calories saved: 360

8. Choose wisely at breakfast meetings. When fresh fruit salad or lowfat yogurt isn't an option, you can still slash hundreds of calories by savoring four powdered sugar or glazed doughnut holes rather than that nutritious-sounding but humongous banana-walnut muffin. Calories saved: 280


1. Take your own popcorn to the movies. A medium container of popcorn from the theater has at least 900 calories-NOT including the butter topping. Pre-pop your lowfat favorite popcorn from home and stash the bag in your tote. Calories saved: 600

2. Ditch designer cereals and granolas. Muti-grain and all-natural cereal options can still be high in sugar and fat. Go for fiber-rich cereals that contain 200 or fewer calories per cup (oatmeal would be a good option and will keep you feeling full). Calories saved: 500

3. Avoid meat lover's pizza specials. Order a fully loaded veggie pizza and you'll get half a serving of fiber-rich produce on every slice without all the calories from sausage, bacon, and pepperoni. To cut calories further, order your pizza with a thin crust rather than the deep-dish style and get half cheese. Calories saved per two slices: 500

4. Choose a leaner cut of meat. When dining at a restaurant, order a 6-ounce filet mignon rather than the 8 or 12-ounce T-bone or prime rib. Also, ask the chef to not brush the steak with butter or oil (they do this to make it look juicer) to save an extra 100 calories. Calories saved: 500 to 600

5. Turn your back on the buffet table. Pick a spot that's at least 16 feet fromt he smorgasbord and face away from the food when eating. A study conducted shows that people who did this ate several hundred fewer calories, on average, than those who sat just a few feet away facing the table. Calories saved: 650

Source: SHAPE Magazine


Allyson said...

could you do a small post on suggestions for strength training for pregnancy (2nd and 3rd trimester). Thanks!

Allyson said...

That question was from Allyson case you don't know who aglc is!