Sunday, December 14, 2008

New Year, NEW YOU!

Why do most New Years' resolutions fail when it comes to health and fitness goals? Because most people set too lofty of goals and don't write out a clear-cut plan to attain these goals!

As we approach the New Year and ponder about where we want to be on the fitness scale, ask yourself these questions:

1. What is a REALISTIC time frame to accomplish this goal? (This is an important one)

2. What small, attainable steps and goals can I set for myself in this time table to reach the final goal? (ie. Final goal=run a 1/2 marathon by Oct 2009 Small goals=participate and run in a 5K by April, 10K by July, etc)

3. How am I going to do it? (PLAN OF ACTION)

4. What resources can I enlist or use for help to accomplish this goal? (ie. friend, sister, hubbie, books, tapes, Personal Trainer, etc)

5. What bumps in the road and challenges can I expect to come along and how do I plan on attacking them? (ie. lose motivation, get off routine for 2 weeks, etc)

6. How am I going to reward myself when/if I reach this goal? (ie. trip to Hawaii)

7. How am I going to feel about myself if I accomplish this goal and how will this affect and improve my life?

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