Sunday, August 16, 2009

How to Resist Temptation

In a world where you can inhale half of your daily caloric intake as you exit the drive-thru, often the only thing standing between you and a few extra chins is willpower-that oh-so-elusive ability to stop the urge to indulge. If your powers of resistance are lacking, you'll be glad to hear that research actually shows that willpower is a kind of mental muscle, and like any muscle, it can get stronger. These four tactics target the most common resolve busters. Put them into practice, and pretty soon that jelly glazed doughnut or that triple fudge brownie will be no match for your mental strength.

Rule #1: Eat smaller, more frequent meals
What it targets: Out-of-control hunger
Why it works: Going too long without eating makes your blood sugar levels plummet. That leaves you feeling ravenous and with an appetite that can overpower any sense of logic or best intentions to eat well. If you have small meals every 3 hours, your blood sugar remains stable, preventing the wallop of a sugar low that will leave you vulnerable to overeating. Did you know that that your blood sugar levels do more than affect how hungry you get? They're also directly connected to willpower. So, reach for snacks in between meals that balance carbohydrates with protein like low-fat yogurt and berries or an apple and a handful of almonds. When you do this, you will keep blood sugars at bay and stay fuller longer.

Rule #2: Eat with your other hand
What it targets: Distraction or eating too quickly
Why it works: Picking up a fork with the hand you don't usually use while eating slows you down and makes you focus on your meal and eat at a slower pace, two things that have been proven to aid weight loss. Studies have shown that that with regular practice, this kind of switcheroo can also increase your overall willpower. Also, by eating slower, your brain is able to tell your stomach when you're satisfied and you'll end up eating less.

Rule #3: Weigh yourself regularly
What it targets: Losing sight of your goal
Why it works: Few things keep your weight loss goal front and center better than seeing those big glowing numbers on the scale. Regular weigh-ins also make it easier to notice extra pounds creeping on, so you can slash and burn immediately. Researchers have found in studies that those that weighed themselves frequently, daily or weekly, lost more weight than those that didn't. Actually, about DOUBLE the amount of weight of those that didn't step on the scale often. But keep in mind, that your weight is going to fluctuate to some degree. Your clothing, the time of day, and how much water you're retaining all affect your weight, so don't be discouraged if that number goes up a few pounds suddenly. Also, break your goal weight into several smaller targets-first aim for five pounds, then after you hit that, go for another five. Studies have shown that the more frequent and specific your weight loss objectives, the better your chances to sticking to them.

Rule #4: Lift your spirits
What it targets: Emotional eating
Why it works: It's estimated that when people overeat, nearly 75% of the time it's because they're feeling blue. It stands to reason that lifting your spirits might also help you take your mind off munching. Studies have shown that small doses of pleasant emotions can quickly renew your ability to say no. So, go do something you enjoy, go for a walk outside, talk on the phone, read...just find something to do that you enjoy and makes you happy-it might be temporary, but it will help sustain your urge to splurge.

Source: Women's Health

1 comment:

jill d said...

Thanks Christina! Great advice. BTW, you look amazing in your new picture!