Sunday, March 29, 2009

Finding your BMR and how to increase it

If you've ever wondered what your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is, that is how many calories your body burns AT REST (if you laid in bed all day), then this site is good place to start. You can use this calculator to get your magic number-just keep in mind that it's not 100% accurate. It doesn't take into account your body fat % (the more muscle and less body fat you have, the higher this number is). You take this number, add 200-400 calories you burn just doing your everyday things (which ranges depending on how active or sedentary you are, type of job, etc), and lastly, add the calories you burn from exercise. For most people this final number rounds out to be around 2000 calories give or take (averaged over 7 days in a week). From that you can figure out how many calories you should consume each day to lose body fat. If 2000 is your number, than you should be eating approx 1500 calories a day to lose 1 lb. a week.

To increase that BMR so that you burn more calories, and ultimately, FAT, you need to add muscle. For every 1 lb. of muscle mass added, add 50 calories to your BMR. That's a lot when you think about it! And remember, muscle is denser than fat, meaning it takes up LESS space (making you look thinner). That's why WEIGHT alone can be deceiving-it doesn't take into consideration muscle mass ratio. To add muscle, you should do 2-3 days of strength training into your routine. Make that circuit training, and you're killing 2 birds with one stone-strength training and cardio all in one workout and look at all the benefits you're receiving.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

15 "SUPER" foods for Weight Loss

Everyone wants to know the right foods to lose weight. Of course, it is a numbers game-calories in vs. calories out is MOST important when weight loss is your goal, but let's not forget QUALITY is also very important. WHAT you eat can determine a number of factors, but the right foods help you drop pounds by revving your calorie burn and curbing cravings.

1. Wild salmon. Not only do fish fats keep your heart healthy, but they shrink your waist, too. Omega-3 fatty acids improve insulin sensitivity—which helps build muscle and decrease belly fat, many sources state. And the more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns. Opt for wild salmon; it may contain fewer pollutants. TRY: You don't need to do much to enhance salmon's taste, simple is best. Season a fillet with salt and pepper, then cook it in a hot pan with 2 tsp oil for 1 to 3 minutes on each side.

2. Blueberries. All berries are good for you, but those with a blue hue are among the best of the bunch. They have the highest antioxidant level of all commonly consumed fruit. They also deliver 3.6 grams of fiber per cup. Fiber may actually prevent some of the fat you eat from being absorbed because fiber pulls fat through the digestive tract. TRY: Instead of topping your cereal with fruit, fill your bowl with blueberries, then sprinkle cereal on top and add milk or yogurt.

3. Quinoa. Curbing hunger is as easy as piling your plate with this whole grain. It packs both fiber (2.6 grams per 1/2 cup) and protein, a stellar nutrient combo that can keep you satisfied for hours. TRY: Serving quinoa instead of rice with stir-fries, cook 1/2 cup quinoa in 2/3 cup water and 1/3 cup orange juice for 15 minutes. Top with 1 tbsp each of raisins and chopped walnuts.

4. Tomatoes. Tomatoes are a great snack, believe it or not-very low in calories, and source of vitamin A, C and antioxidants. Use cooked and raw. TRY: Halving tomatoes sprinkled with parmesan cheese and broiled until cheese melts.

5. Apples. It's true-an apple a day can keep weight gain at bay. Studies show that people who chomp an apple before a pasta meal ate fewer calories overall than those who had a different snack. Apples are high in fiber—4 to 5 grams each—which makes them filling, the antioxidants in apples may help prevent metabolic syndrome, a condition marked by excess belly fat or an "apple shape." TRY: Apples are the ideal on-the-go low-calorie snack. For a pielike treat, chop up a medium apple and sprinkle with 1/2 tsp allspice and 1/2 tsp cinnamon. Pop in the microwave for 1 1/2 minutes.

6. Lentils. Lentils are a bona fide belly flattener. They're high in protein and soluble fiber, two nutrients that stabilize blood sugar levels. Eating them helps prevent insulin spikes that cause your body to create excess fat, especially in the abdominal area. There are many varieties of lentils, but red and yellow cook fastest (in about 15 to 20 minutes). TRY: Adding cooked lentils to pasta sauce for a heartier dish and because they're high in protein, you can skip meat altogether.

7. Fresh spinach. Popeye was right about spinach, but the fresh kind not the canned kind. High in antioxidants, vitamins A, K, B and C and let's not forget-almost no calories! TRY: Mixing fresh spinach with your favorite veggies-especially the bright ones-yellow bell pepper, tomatoes, and then add a hard-boiled egg or chicken or salmon to it for the perfect meal. Top it with a little olive oil and vinegar dressing.

8. Goji berries. These chewy, tart berries have a hunger-curbing edge over other fruit: 18 amino acids, which make them a surprising source of protein. (They also have more beta-carotene than carrots.) Snack on them midafternoon to stay satisfied until dinner. The calorie cost? Only 35 per tablespoon. TRY: Mixing 1/4 cup of the dried berries (from health food stores) with 1/4 cup raisins and 1/4 cup almonds or walnuts for a nourishing trail mix. Or for dessert, pour 1/4 cup boiling water into a bowl with 2 tbsp dried berries; let sit 10 minutes. Drain, then spoon over 1/2 cup lowfat vanilla frozen yogurt.

9. Buckwheat pasta. Swap plain noodles for this hearty variety; you'll slip into your skinny jeans in no time. Buckwheat is high in fiber and, unlike most carbs, contains protein. Those two nutrients make it very satiating, so it's harder to overeat buckwheat pasta than the regular stuff. TRY: Cook this pasta as you do rice: Simmer it, covered, over low heat. For a light meal, toss cooked buckwheat pasta with broccoli, carrots, mushrooms and onions.

10. Almond butter. Did you know that adding this spread may lower bread's glycemic index? Studies have shown that people who ate almonds with white bread didn't experience the same blood sugar surges as those who ate only the slice. The higher blood sugar levels rise, the lower they fall; that dip leads to hunger, causing people to overeat. TRY: Switch it up from the peanut butter in sandwiches, or make a veggie dip: Mix 1 tbsp almond butter with 2 tbsp fat-free plain yogurt. Or add a dollop to oatmeal for flavor and protein.

11. Eggs. Dig in to eggs, yolks and all: They won't harm your heart, but they can help you trim inches. Women on a low-calorie diet who ate an egg with toast and jelly each morning lost twice as many pounds as those who had a bagel breakfast with the same number of calories but no eggs, several studies have shown. TRY: Omelets and scrambles are obvious choices, but if you can't cook before work, bake a frittata on Sunday; chill it and nuke slices for up to a week.

12. Taragon. You can use this herb, a staple in French cooking, in place of salt in marinades and salad dressings. Excess sodium causes your body to retain water, so using less salt can keep bloating at bay. Plus, tarragon lends a sweet, licoricelike flavor to bland foods. (Use the French version of the herb when possible; it's sweeter than other varieties.) TRY: Rubbing 2 tbsp dried tarragon on chicken before baking or grilling. Or make a tasty dip by mixing 1 tsp chopped fresh tarragon into 4 oz lowfat plain yogurt and 1 tsp Dijon mustard.

13. Yogurt. Dietitians often refer to plain yogurt as the perfect food, and for good reason: With its trifecta of carbs, protein and fat, it can stave off hunger by keeping blood sugar levels steady. Studies have shown that people who eat a low-calorie diet that included yogurt lost 61% more fat overall and 81% more belly fat than those who ate a similar plan but without yogurt. TRY: Using lowfat plain yogurt instead of mayonnaise in chicken or potato salad, or top a baked potato with a bit of yogurt and a squeeze of lemon juice. You'll save 4.7 grams of fat per tablespoon. Look for Greek yogurt, which has more protein than other versions.

14. Rolled oats. Did you know oatmeal has the highest satiety ranking of any food?! Unlike many other carbohydrates, oats—even the instant kind—digest slowly, so they have little impact on your blood sugar. All oats are healthful, but the steel-cut and rolled varieties (which are minimally processed) have up to 5 grams of fiber per serving, making them the most filling choice. Instant oats contain 3 to 4 grams per serving. TRY: Mixing a 1/2 cup of skim milk and some peaches sprinkled with a dash of cinnamon for breakfast.

15. Avocados. Don't let the fat content of an avocado (29 grams) scare you—that's what makes it a top weight loss food. The heart-healthy monounsaturated fat it contains increases satiety and is good for you. TRY: Adding avocado to your sandwich instead of mayo for a creamy texture and a shot of flavor. Avocados do contain a lot of calories, so it's best to watch your portions.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Strenth Training during Pregnancy

I recently got a request to do a post on strength training during pregnancy, particulary the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. As some of you might know, it is SAFE to strength train while being pregnant (unless otherwise told so by your doctor for special conditions), and if anything, will help you strengthen and maintain muscle tone, core strength (a biggie!), and minimize back pains and other aches associated with pregnancy.

It's important to note that if you are pregnant and WEREN'T previously doing a strength training routine, it's still ok to start, although it is wise to start easy and use even lighter weights. As your strength and endurance increases, you can increase resistance or intensity gradually.

Also, during the first trimester is is OK to do exercises flat on your back, however, in the 2nd and 3rd trimester (mostly after about 20 weeks), you should avoid exercises in this position. Here are are sample (and relatively basic level)exerises that are effective and SAFE to do THROUGHOUT your pregnancy.

Plie squats with ball: For more support on your back you can use a ball against a ball for this exercise. Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed out. As you squat down, make sure hips/pelvis are tilted back toward ball/wall and that you keep your heels planted on ground throughout exercise. Perform to 90 degrees (at knee joint) and return to start position concentrating on squeezing glutes as you come up. Hold weights either between legs or resting on legs. For more of a challenge, combine with upper body exercise in (ie. bicep curls, shoulder press, etc). Do 30-50 reps.

Modified push-up: Most woman can't perform a true push-up without their form giving, or their muscles giving out after 5 reps. Begin push-up on knees, feet off ground. With hands wider than shoulder-width apart and abdominals contracted, lower upper body down without raising the hips/glutes up (body stays in straight line) to about 90 degrees (at elbow joint) and back up. For more of a challenge, hold half way down for 2 or 3 sec and then again at the bottom and then push-up. Do 15-30 reps.

Step-up with kickback: Using a bench, chair or anything about 12 inches or more off the ground (do what you're capable of doing without compromising your form but still challenges you), step up onto bench while kicking back leg straight out. For more of challenge, combine with upper body exercise (ie. shoulder press, lateral/front raises, or bicep curls). Do 15-25 reps per side.

Torso rotations: Using a rubberband of medium resistance, find a post to anchor band around. Stand to side of post with arms straight and hands overlapping on handle of band. While keeping feet pointed straight ahead, rotate torso keeping abdominals contracted and arms straight throughout movement. It's important to keep a light grip with hands so that your arms aren't doing most of the work. Do 20-25 reps per side.

Front lunge with lateral raises: With feet together and while holding 3-10 lb. dumbbells, step forward with one leg far enough that front knee isn't going over front toe and back and front legs are bent to about 90 degrees (at knee joint) without touching back knee to ground. While coming down, perform a lateral raise, bringing dumbbells out to sides with elbows slightly bent, and up to shoulder heighth. Perform 15-20 reps per side.

Rubberband rows: While sitting on ball anchor rubberband around foot or post (more of a challenge). With palms facing each other and arms extended, bring elbows back bent while squeezing shoulder blades together and keeping chest back. Hold each rep for 3 sec. Do 20-30 reps.

One-legged squat with bicep curls: With back against ball on wall (same position as plie squat), keep feet close together with one leg either off ground or just the heel touching. Squat down keeping most of weight on the one leg that is planted on ground. As you come up, perform bicep curls with 5-10 lb dumbbells. Do 15-20 reps per side.

Plank: On mat, hold yourself up on elbows and toes as you keep abdominals contracted (and hips/pelvis straight) for 20-60 sec. Perform 3 sets of holds.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The best ways to cut 100, 250, and 500+ calories (WITHOUT DIETING!)


1. Add the olive oil last. Instead of sauteing vegetables and letting them soak up the majority of the fat that's added to the pan, try steaming your veggies instead, then tossing them with a few teaspoons of extra-virgin olive oil, a squeeze of lemon, and a pinch of red pepper flakes and sea salt. Calories saved per cup: 150

2. Ask for a "dry" bun. Chefs and cooks often swipe a knifeful of butter or mayo on a sandwich or burger before they hand it over to you. Calories saved: 120

3. Be picky about pie. Eat the filling but skip the bottom layer of crust. Trust me, you won't really notice. Calories saved: 150

4. Lighten your juice. Fill a water bottle with 6 ounces of juice and equal amount of water. Calories saved: 100

5. Make skinny mashed potatoes. Mix in a half of cup of low-sodium chicken broth for every 3 lbs of potatoes instead of half a cup of butter or heavy cream. If you still crave that rich flavor, top a small scoop of mashed potatoes with a pat of butter for just 36 extra calories. Calories saved per cup: 150

6. Use half the beef in burgers. Mix 1 1/2 cups of finely chopped mushrooms with half a pound of lean ground beef and serve it in place of an all beef patty. Calories saved: 100

7. Switch your soup. Varieties of soup that are a cream or milk based contain 25 to 50% more calories than those made with a tomato base or clear broth, such as minetrone or vegetable soup. Calories saves per 12 oz: 100 to 200


1. Avoid salads with "crispy" in their name. Some options pack more than 500 calories and 25 grams of fat when tossed with regular dressing. Order your greens with grilled chicken, shrimp, or salmon and lowfat dressing. Calories saved: 250

2. Downsize yoru baked goods. You can automatically halve the calories in fresh-baked muffins by using a pan with a dozen slots rather than one with just six. And if you swap half a cup of applesauce for the half cup of butter or oil called for in your recipe, you can save an additional 75 calories per muffin. Calories saved: 310 to 385.

3. Get sandwich-savvy. A 6-inch tuna hero with lowfat chips may seem like a light meal, but it contains 700 calories and more than 30 grams of fat. At "healthy" restaurants, people tend to order extras and then underestimate how much they're eating by about 35%. Opt for a small turkey sub without mayo or oil and skip the soda, chips, and cookies. Calories saved: 420

4. Top your tater the light way. Loading a large potato with the works can turn your meal into a fat and calorie mine-field. Pick a small spud (red potatoes are best) and fill it with a quarter cup each of salsa and lowfat Greek yogurt (or 1 Tbs of reduced-fat sour cream). Calories saved: 412

5. Treat yourself like a kid. When you're ordering ice cream, don't assume you have to choose from the three cup sizes displayed at the register. Rather than ordering the medium, request a child-size verstion-and skip the hot fudge. Calories saved: 400

6. Bulk up your pasta-with veggies. If you're making pasta at home, a 2-cup serving of noodles with a large ladle of meat, vodka, or Alfredo sauce can set you back 600 calories or more. To fill your plate-without breaking the calorie bank-mix a cup of pasta with a cup of steamed veggies and top the dish with half a cup of your favorite marinara sauce. Calories saved: 250

7. Serve dessert in a shot glass. Can't resist taking a slice of key lime pie or cheesecake at a buffet? Allow yourself to savor the amount that fits in a shot glass and you'll save 80% of the calories you'd get in a full-size portion. Calories saved: 360

8. Choose wisely at breakfast meetings. When fresh fruit salad or lowfat yogurt isn't an option, you can still slash hundreds of calories by savoring four powdered sugar or glazed doughnut holes rather than that nutritious-sounding but humongous banana-walnut muffin. Calories saved: 280


1. Take your own popcorn to the movies. A medium container of popcorn from the theater has at least 900 calories-NOT including the butter topping. Pre-pop your lowfat favorite popcorn from home and stash the bag in your tote. Calories saved: 600

2. Ditch designer cereals and granolas. Muti-grain and all-natural cereal options can still be high in sugar and fat. Go for fiber-rich cereals that contain 200 or fewer calories per cup (oatmeal would be a good option and will keep you feeling full). Calories saved: 500

3. Avoid meat lover's pizza specials. Order a fully loaded veggie pizza and you'll get half a serving of fiber-rich produce on every slice without all the calories from sausage, bacon, and pepperoni. To cut calories further, order your pizza with a thin crust rather than the deep-dish style and get half cheese. Calories saved per two slices: 500

4. Choose a leaner cut of meat. When dining at a restaurant, order a 6-ounce filet mignon rather than the 8 or 12-ounce T-bone or prime rib. Also, ask the chef to not brush the steak with butter or oil (they do this to make it look juicer) to save an extra 100 calories. Calories saved: 500 to 600

5. Turn your back on the buffet table. Pick a spot that's at least 16 feet fromt he smorgasbord and face away from the food when eating. A study conducted shows that people who did this ate several hundred fewer calories, on average, than those who sat just a few feet away facing the table. Calories saved: 650

Source: SHAPE Magazine

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The best $40 investment

I can't say enough about why everyone that exercises should buy one of these...

Why, you might ask? Most people don't know how hard they're working AND don't work out hard enough. Sure, you can go by Perceived Exertion (how you're feeling, breathing, sweating, etc), but if you really want to know where you're at, where you should be, BUY ONE OF THESE! They will even beep to remind you you're not in your heart rate range (if it's too high or too low)! It will make you more aware of how hard you're working (or NOT working), and will be a good starting point for your fitness level.

SO, what are you waiting for??? BUY ONE at your local sporting good store, Costco, Target, or Walmart!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

9 fitness rules you should break

Each year fitness researchers release thousands of studies that challenge conventional fitness thinking, or at least shed light on ways to tweak it. Here are 9 "old-school" fitness approaches or strategies and some ways to tweak them to be up-to-date and to see results!

1. Position your hands shoulder-width apart.
You often see this in instructions for upper-body moves like bench presses and lat pull-downs. Why? Because it gives you a stable starting point. But that doesn't mean you need to stay there set after set. Switch up your position after every set for balanced strength and overall tone.

2. Crunches for a flat belly.
Turns out Pilates abdominal moves are superior to traditional crunches for sculpting your midsection and uncovering those abs. An exercise called "the teaser" is one of many highly effective exercises. It activates 39% more of your rectus abdominus muscle and 266% more of your external obliques. To do it: Lie face-up on a mat. Lift your legs so your thighs are perpendicular to the floor and your knees are bent 90 degrees. Raise your hands toward the celing. Lift your torso and straighten your legs, so you body forms a V. Hold for 1 second, then roll back down, keeping your legs raised. Perform 20-30 reps.

3. Squats=a perfect bum.
Although squats are a great exercise, try doing hip extensions too. The move hits 55% more of your hamstring muscle and 79% more of your glute muscle. To do it: Get on your hands and knees. Keeping your knees bent, lift your right heel toward the ceiling, then lower it back down to the starting position. Perform 15-25 reps each leg.

4. Eat lots of extra protein for less jiggle and more tone.
While it's true that protein is a vital muscle food, your body can use only so much of it. Any extra protein calories you take in will be stored as fat. As a general rule, remember that 20% of your calories should come from protein. So, if you're eating an 1,800 calorie diet, try to shoot fora maximum of 400 calories, or 90 grams, of protein each day.

5. Up-down-up-down. Repeat.
Instead of raising and lowering a weight (or your body weight) in one continuous motioin, pause for a second about halfway up, continue the movement, then pause again about halfway down. You'll fry more fat (by exhausting the muscles more efficiently) without sucking more time out of your scheudule.

6. Watch yourself in the mirror while you workout.
While the occasional glance at your reflection to check form is a good idea, for exercises that involve balance, such as the one-legged squat, you'll get a bigger boost if you face away from the mirror and close one eye. Doing so activates neural pathways between your brain and your muscles that you don't otherwise use, which forces your body to establish better balance.

7. Burn the most calories with cardio.
According to many studies, 30 minutes of weight training burns as many calories as running at a blazing six-minute-per-mile pace for the same amount of time. (And it has the bonus of building more muscle tone then running.) What's more, unlike aerobic exercise, lifting weights has been shown to boost metabolism for up to 39 hours after you finish your last rep! Interval training has yielded similar benefits. For optimal results, do a total-body weight-training workout three days a weeks, resting at least a day between sessions and do intervals on at least tow fo the off days.

8. Rest between sets.
Less rest increases your calorie burn and adds a cardio component to strength training. Try doing multiple exercises back to back (circuit training) using different muscle groups and combining large muscles and small muscles in as many exercises as possible. When you have completed a circuit, rest for a minute and then repeat.

9. Weigh yourself daily for motivation.
The scale measures water and muscle, too. It's not a great indicator of fat loss. A better way to measure success is by measuring inches or getting your body fat tested, say every month to see progress.

Source: Womens Health