Thursday, January 22, 2009

Buns of steel

Here are just a few of my favorite glute exercises to help tone, strengthen, and lift your bootie! I swear by all of these (plus plenty of squats and lunges too!). Try them out and tell me what you think!

1. One-legged squats with ball. Place ball against wall with your back centered on ball. With one foot off ground (or if that's too hard, place just heel on ground with little to no weight on leg). Perform squat by sitting back against ball (keep hips/pelvis tilted back towards wall), bending leg to 90 degrees. Make sure to keep weight in the heel, not the toe. To increase resistance, hold dumbbells. Do 2 sets of 15-20 reps each leg.

2. Pelvis/Glute lift on ball. Lay on ball and roll out feet, so that only your upper back is on ball. With feet placed about shoulder-width apart, lower pelvis/hips towards ground and then lift back up, holding at top for 3-5 sec. To increase resistance, use weight in between knees/legs or hold on lower abdomen. Perform 2 sets of 20-30 reps.

3. One-legged deadlift. While holding dumbbells, keeping one leg straight (but not locked), lower dumbbell towards foot. While you perform this exercise, make sure to keep back straight, NOT ROUNDED. Also, the other leg will come straight back behind you. You should feel a stretch down the back of the standing leg. This exercise also works the hamstring muscles very well. Do 2 sets of 15-25 each leg.

4. Cross-over step-up. While standing to the side of a step/bench with the opposite/outside leg on step and inside leg on ground, step-up. To increase resistance, hold dumbbells or even perform at a faster pace for an extra burn. Perform 15-25 reps each leg.

5. Cable leg kickbacks. With ankle strap secured around ankle facing a cable machine (you can also do this with a resistance thera-band), pull weight/cable back, keeping leg straight. Perform 20-30 reps each leg.