Thursday, April 9, 2009

5 Ways to Improve Your Core Strength (Without doing a single crunch!)

Seriously??? Yes, people are still in that mind-set of doing crunches to improve strength and tone in their midsection or core. Your core includes all your abdominal muscles, lower back muscles, glute, and hip muscles. These make up your "Powerhouse" and it's very important to do exercises that will strengthen them, in turn leading to fewer joint and posture problems down the road. Try these great 5exercises that don't require any crunches and work these muscles superior!

1. Prone and side planks. While laying on your stomach, position yourself up on your forearms, either on your knees (beginner position) or on your toes (more advanced). Make sure your body is in a perfect line, low back or pelvis is not drooping or sticking up in the air. The key is to hold your abdominals in by concentrating on pulling your belly-button in towards your spine. Hold this position for 20 sec (to start) and then gradually add 10-15 sec as you get stronger. Do 2-3 sets of this exercise. Side planks are done while laying on side and propped up on one forearm, the other hand is on hip or behind head. You can do this either on the side of your knees (beginner) or on your feet (advanced). Push hip off ground as high as you can go, straight up. Come back down and then repeat to 10-15 reps each side (2 sets).

2. Quadruped. A favorite that is great for all core muscles-abdominals, glutes, hips, and low back. You will start by getting on all fours, positioning yourself with hands directly under shoulders, and knees directly under hips (straight lines) all shoulder-width apart. Head should be up as well. While maintaining position, bring opposite arm and opposite leg straight out. It’s very important to tuck belly-button in, thereby activating the abs and other core muscles while making sure pelvis/hips don’t tilt. Do 2 sets of 10 each side (alternating).

3. Dying bug. Laying on back with arms at sides, tilt your pelvis/hips toward ground thereby activating your abdominals and keeping low back AGAINST the ground (there should be no gap). Bring one leg up and down (knees bent), then other leg. For a more advanced exercise, bring opposite arm to opposite leg, all the while maintaining this position (it’s very important that your belly-button is tucked in and abs are contracted the WHOLE TIME.) Do 2 sets of 10-20 each side (alternating).

4. Bridges. Laying on back with knees bent and shoulder-width apart and arms at sides, raise pelvis, hips off ground and hold 3-5 sec. You will want to squeeze your glute muscles as well as keep your abdominals tight (belly-button tucked in) throughout movement. Come back down and then repeat. Do 2 sets of 15-20.

5. Band rotations. Using a rubberband (you can buy these practically anywhere for cheap!), loop band through handle around a post (or some kind of anchor). Standing to side of post/band, place one hand on handle and other overlapping hand. While keeping arms STRAIGHT and feet planted on ground (facing forward, do not pivot), rotate band across body in a 180 degree movement. Make sure to keep belly-button tucked in, and abdominals contracted as to work all of these muscles (great for obliques and low back as well). Keep a loose grip on the handle as to not over-emphasize the arm muscles (so they do minimal work). Do 2 sets of 15 each side.

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