Sunday, April 19, 2009

Test your Fitness IQ

Take this test. The answers and explanations will be given in a few days! Good luck!

1. You can increase your metabolism, Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) by:
A. Running
B. Biking
C. Strength training
D. Any form of exercise

2. TRUE or FALSE If you want to burn fat, it is best to stay in the “fat-burning zone” of your Target Heart Rate (the lower end of your THR) and not the “cardio zone” (the higher end of your THR).

3. The best way to know how hard you are pushing yourself during exercise is by:
A. How tired or sore you are
B. How high your heart rate is
C. How much you’re sweating
D. How hard you’re breathing
E. All of the above

4. TRUE or FALSE Lifting HEAVY weights (strength training) frequently can cause women to get “bulky” and build too much muscle mass.

5. TRUE or FALSE The best time to work out is early in the morning.

6. The best exercise for losing weight is:
A. Running
B. Biking
C. Eliptical/Cross-trainer
D. Strength training
E. All of the above

7. TRUE or FALSE As you age, you lode muscle and gain fat, thereby decreasing your metabolism, no matter what you do.

8. TRUE or FALSE To get ripped abs or a “6-pack”, you should do crunches every day.

9. How much exercise time is needed to lose weight, improve cardiovascular endurance and function, and see results?
A. 3 days a week for 30 min/session
B. 5-6 days a week for 2 hrs/session
C. 3-5 days a week for 60 min/session
D. Any of the above can get results

10. TRUE or FALSE Eventually, your weight and fitness level will plateau.

11. TRUE or FALSE The more intense your work out, the more fat you burn.

12. TRUE or FALSE To get rid of the “arm jiggle”, the “saddle-bags”, the “love-handles”, or the “inner thigh fat”, you must do specific exercises to target those muscle groups/areas in order for them to go away .

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